What is that rash? Gianotti-Crosti

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Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome aka Acrodermatitis, Papular Infantile or Infantile Lichenoid



For the record, I hate rashes.  And I'm always grateful when it's not scabies.
This is one that is sometimes seen in the pediatric population but rarely in adults.  Seen ages approx. 9 months to approx. 12 years old.
Associated with Hepatitis B infection but now more frequently seen with EBV.  Other viral causes include CMV, parainfluenza, etc.  May have UFI with it.
Described as multiple erythematous flat-topped papules/vesicles (see pictures above)
Usually on extremities, buttocks, face but usually (not always) spares trunk.  Usually not itchy but can be.
Lasts usually 2-4 weeks but has been seen up to 4 months.
Could obtain Hep panel, liver enzymes, PCR as part of work up.
Supportive treatment:  emollient creams. if itchy can use diphenhydramine
You'll probably see this in parents who are tired of being told "It's a viral exathem".  Ultimately, it is, but still.  If you see this, sometimes giving someone the name of it will help.  Still supportive treatment nonetheless.