
BLOCKCAMP 2025 - May 5th and 6th

@ Maimonides Doctors Multispecialty Pavilion, 4813 9th Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11220;

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EM Ultrasonography

Emergency Ultrasonography is well-integrated into the curriculum of the Emergency Medicine Residency at Maimonides. Residents spend 4 weeks in each of their first two years on an ultrasound rotation. During the rotation, residents participate in small group scan shifts with faculty members and fellows from the Emergency Ultrasound Division, as well as weekly ultrasound review/QA sessions. This combination allows the residents to become proficient in performing and interpreting a wide array of point-of-care ultrasounds.

In addition, mastering ultrasound-guided procedures such as nerve blocks and TEE is emphasized. Graduates of the program are expected to be proficient in using this important technology and adept in utilizing ultrasonography in managing critically ill patients.


Currently, there are thirteen ultrasound fellowship trained faculty on staff in the Maimonides Emergency Department. The faculty members are recognized recipients of multiple grants, including NIH funding, have lectured regionally, nationally, and internationally, and have numerous peer-reviewed publications related to point-of-care sonography.


In our emergency department (ED) we use five Zonare and one Mindray TE7 machines. We utilize a streamlined wireless workflow that allows us to archive our images on Q-Path archival software and also on PACS. All of our adult attending emergency physicians are credentialed in each of the 12 ACEP core emergency ultrasound applications. We use cutting edge applications such as TEE (transesophageal echocardiogram) in our critical care patients to improve care and our diagnostic ability.  Currently our faculty and residents are being trained to incorporate nerve blocks frequently into their practice. We are starting to use butterfly IQ technology to increase efficiency and “time to scan” in our busy ED.

Our pediatric emergency medicine attendings are additionally credentialed to perform studies for intussusception and appendicitis. Since all attendings are credentialed in point-of-care sonography, the residents receive ultrasound education from every attending in the ED, fellowship trained or not.


There are approximately 10,000 ultrasounds performed in the Maimonides ED every year. It is by far the most common procedure performed in our ED. All ultrasounds performed in the department are recorded and reviewed, which allows residents to receive detailed feedback regarding their technique and interpretations. Residents receive both real time feedback during their scan shifts and also feedback on how to interpret the images during the image-review sessions.

All aspects of point-of-care sonography are covered during residency training, including advanced topics such as advanced echocardiography, musculoskeletal, ocular and procedural guidance. In addition to sonographic guidance of vascular access, paracentesis, thoracentesis, pericardiocentesis, arthrocentesis and lumbar puncture, our residents are taught how to perform ultrasound-guided regional analgesia including fascia iliaca compartment blocks, interscalene nerve block and various other peripheral nerve blocks.

Graduates of the Emergency Medicine residency program will be proficient in using this important technology and adept in utilizing ultrasonography when managing critically ill patients, as most will have performed at least 300 ultrasounds during their training. Some motivated residents have performed close to 1000 ultrasounds by graduation.We believe that point-of-care ultrasonography is life saving and makes us better doctors. Our residents benefit from this ethos.


The ultrasound division has numerous ongoing research projects. Our residents and fellows participate in the different projects and have dedicated research support to start their own project. Many of our projects focus on teaching modules and incorporating ultrasound and simulation to improve procedural skills in our trainees. We also have projects in cutting edge applications such as TEE in cardiac arrest.

Fellowship goals

To become experts in general and advanced emergency ultrasound applications.

To hone their teaching skills and become seasoned educators in both clinical emergency medicine and emergency ultrasound.

To start their own research projects and participate in multiple ongoing research projects in the division. To participate and present their research in regional, national and international conferences.

To gain experience on how to run an ultrasound division and learn the administrative skills in order to become future leaders in point-of-care ultrasound.

EUFAC Accreditation

Our advanced emergency ultrasound fellowship was fully accredited by Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship Accreditation Council (EUFAC) for the second time for 5 years starting in April 2024. Our fellows will graduate eligible to take the Focused Practice Designation (FPD) exam offered by ABEM.

How to apply

Click here to apply.

Contact Us

For more information please contact Grace Mannino at (718) 283-7885 or gmannino@maimonidesmed.org


Eitan Dickman, MD, MMM,

Chairman &
Founding Member of the Ultrasound Division

Lawrence Haines, MD, MPH, RDMS, FACEP, FPD-AEMUS
Ultrasound Division Director, Department of Emergency Medicine


Alex Arroyo, MD, FAAP
Ultrasound Pediatric Director, Department of Emergency Medicine

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Leily Naraghi, MD, FACEP, FPD-AEMUS
Ultrasound Fellowship Director, Department of Emergency Medicine

Alyssa Nguyen , MD
Ultrasound Resident Education Director, Department of Emergency Medicine


Amy Sanghvi, MD, FPD-AEMUS
Ultrasound Medical Student Education Director, Department of Emergency Medicine


Errel Khordipour, DO, FPD-AEMUS
Ultrasound Research Director, Department of Emergency Medicine

Our Ultrasound Division Faculty


Lawrence Haines, MD
Residency & US Fellowship: Maimonides Medical Center


Alex Arroyo, MD
Pediatrics Residency: Northshore-LIJ
PEM Fellowship: Schneider Children’s Hospital
US Fellowship: LIJ


Kay Odashima, MD
Residency & US Fellowship: Maimonides Medical Center


Amy Sanghvi, MD
Residency: Mount Sinai Hospital/Icahn School of Medicine
US Fellowship: Mount Sinai Hospital NY


Laura Gonzalez, MD
Pediatrics Residency: U of Missouri
PEM & US Fellowship: Maimonides Medical Center

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Leily Naraghi, MD
Residency: Maimonides Medical Center
US Fellowship: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School

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Errel Khordipour, DO
Residency: Baystate Medical Center
US Fellowship: Mount Sinai Hospital/Icahn School of Medicine

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Jeanette Kurbedin, DO
Residency & US Fellowship: Maimonides Medical Center


Alyssa Nguyen, MD
Residency: Mount Sinai St. Luke’s-Roosevelt
US Fellowship: Maimonides Medical Center


Aaron Ryoo, MD
Residency: Maimonides Medical Center
US Fellowship: New York Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital


Irina Sanjeevan, MD
Residency: Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
US Fellowship: Maimonides Medical Center

Our Ultrasound Fellows

Jessie Chen, DO
Residency: New York Presbyterian – Queens

Kristen Kobayashi, MD
Residency: New York Presbyterian – Queens

Jennie Xu, MD
Residency: Maimonides Medical Center


Our Alumni

2009 - Lawrence Haines

2010 - Sergey Ayvazyan

2011 - Ashika Jain

2012 - Tahisha Tolbert, Marla Levine, Matthew Chang

2013 - Mark Tessaro, Shideh Shafie

2014 - Chris Dang

2015 - Kay Odashima, Blake Klugger, Peter Keenan

2016 - Kasia Falkowska, Juan Zequeira, Stephen Strassberg

2017 - Hannah Park, Laura Gonzalez

2018 - Jeanette Kurbedin, Patrick Charles, Simran Buttar

2019 - Alyssa Nguyen, Michelle Escobar, Shamicka North

2020 - Cloty Toro, Mark Grbic, Samantha Chin

2021 - Taryn Hoffman, Matthew Carr, Suman Gupta

2022 - Irina Sanjeevan, Jordan Brown, Leland Perice

2023 - Maria Eberle, Joann Hsu, Farnam Kazi

2024- Ariella Cohen, Michael Danta, Makoto Tanigawa

Ultrasound Division Activities