Medical Student Program

Rotation Highlights

As a medical student rotating in Emergency Medicine, you will have the opportunity to work and learn in one of the busiest emergency departments in the country. Many of our patients are medically complicated, which provides excellent training for medical students, as well as our residents.

The patient population at Maimonides represents one of the most culturally diverse populations in New York City. In other words, you will be busy, you will be challenged, and we expect you to be very much involved! Clinically, you will participate in the complex resuscitations and procedures we perform every day.

To augment your experience, we have a young and dynamic attending staff who are accessible and interested in teaching. In addition, you will be given didactic lectures and simulation cases on a weekly basis. If you are strongly considering emergency medicine as a career, please let us know as soon as possible.

Your performance--based on your clinical evaluations, an oral presentation, and final exam score--will determine whether you are interviewed and ultimately placed on our Match list. That being said, we hope and expect you to have a rich academic experience which will push you and enable you to have fun.

Notable highlights:

  • Attending Physician Mentorship on Shifts: Students will have direct bedside learning and one-on-one clinical teaching from attending physicians while in the ED.

  • Didactics: On Tuesdays during the rotation, students will meet with a member of our department to discuss important topics in emergency medicine. These lectures will include cardiovascular, neurovascular, GI, obstetrics/gynecology, toxicology, orthopedics, neurology, sepsis, pediatrics and trauma.

  • Conferences: On Wednesdays, students join the residents and faculty for resident conference, which provides students additional lectures, discussion and labs.

  • Simulation Lab: Students will be given hands-on training in managing cases in our simulation lab each week, under the guidance of the simulation director, faculty, and fellows. They will be challenged with real-time decision-making individually, as well as with their team, treating medically complex patients.

  • Procedure / Skills Lab: Every week, there will be a skills lab for students to practice techniques such as suturing, wound management, central line placement under ultrasound guidance, airway management, and splinting.

  • Attending and Resident Driven Mentorship Program: Each student will be assigned an attending, PGY1 and PGY2 resident to serve as mentors during their rotation. These mentors are meant to be life-long relationships to help guide the student in their future career paths.

  • EMS Ride-Along: Students have the opportunity to schedule an EMS ride-along day to expose them to challenges in the field and approaches to pre-hospital care.

    Apply on VSLO for our EM Sub-I and Sub-Specialty Rotations.


    Please note that when applying on VSLO look at the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 Catalogue to find available rotations: June will be on the 2024-2025 Catalogue)

    You may apply for any month June-December 2025 as soon as VSLO opens

    Available rotation dates for the EM Sub-Internship in 2025-26:

    6/2 - 6/27/25

    7/7 - 8/01/25

    8/4 - 8/29/25

    9/1 - 9/26/25

    9/29 - 10/24/25

    10/27- 11/21/25


Other EM Electives

There are several other EM electives offered at Maimonides.

Please apply on VSLO (VSAS) or contact the Clerkship Coordinator if you have questions.

  • Emergency Ultrasonography (EUS) - 4 week elective. The EUS elective rotation will include lectures on basic and advanced applications of EUS, as well as the opportunity to image patients in the ED. There is a weekly review of all ultrasounds performed in the department, during which time students will receive feedback on their imaging technique and interpretive skills. Students will have the opportunity to work closely with members of EUS division and should complete the rotation with a solid grounding in the principles underlying bedside ultrasonography.

    Available rotation dates 2024-25:

    8/25 - 9/21/25

    9/22 - 10/19/25

    10/20 - 11/16/25

    11/17 - 12/14/25

    1/12 - 2/8/26

    2/9 - 3/8/26

    3/9 - 4/5/26

    4/6 - 5/3/26

    5/4 - 5/31/26

    6/1 - 6/28/26

  • Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM)- 4 week sub-internship. As a medical student rotating in our pediatric emergency room, you will have the opportunity to work and learn in one of the busiest pediatric emergency rooms and only pediatric trauma center in Brooklyn. On shift you will work with our pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) trained attendings, EM residents and PEM fellows. Additionally, there will be weekly didactics and hands-on sessions in the simulation lab.

    Available rotation dates for 2025-26:

    6/2 - 6/27/25

    7/7 - 8/01/25

    8/4 - 8/29/25

    9/1 - 9/26/25

    9/29 - 10/24/25

    10/27- 11/21/25






  • Emergency Medicine Toxicology Elective (TOX)- 4 week elective. The toxicology elective will introduce the forth year medical student to core emergency medicine toxicology topics encountered in the ED. The students will learn from our fellowship trained emergency medicine toxicology physician as well as our ED pharmacists. The rotation consists of interactive didactics, simulation cases, and doing callbacks for our toxicology consult service. To supplement their education, students will also be assigned to do a few critical care shifts in our adult and pediatric emergency department. Students will also attend our weekly residency conference on Wednesday mornings and the monthly NYC PPC Consultants Conference. In addition to working at Maimonides in Brooklyn, students will also spend time at the Bellevue Toxicology Center in Manhattan.

    Available rotation dates for 2025-26:

    9/22- 10/19/25

    11/17- 12/14/25

  • Emergency Medical Services (EMS)/Urban Wilderness Medicine: 4 week elective. Upon completion of the rotation the medical student should be able to identify, treat and suggest disposition of common EMS situations in ACLS/BLS/Transfer emergencies as well as common environmental/austere medical emergencies. The first 2 weeks will focus on “EMS first-responders” with lectures, 5 ambulance ride-alongs and 2 simulations sessions. The remaining 2 weeks will will cover “Urban/Environmental Medicine” with lectures introducing the student to environmental medicine, dive medicine, hyperbaric medicine and hemorrhage control. Additionally, there will be practical sessions: Urban Day (search and rescue day in the park), Mountain Medicine (overnight catskills mountain medicine course) and a chance to get a WFR Course certificate - an internationally recognized certificate!

    Available rotation dates for 2025-26:

    10/20- 11/16/25

  • Emergency Medicine Clinical Informatics: 4 week elective. Upon completion of this rotation the medical student will understand the scope of clinical informatics as a speciality and begin to explore the ways that health information systems affect clinical workflow. The student will also develop an understanding of the principals behind EMR design and define key features of EMR usability and gain insight into how the EMR can be utilized to support patient safety and clinical decision making. The month long rotation will vary based on student skills and interests but will include 10 ED clinical shifts, a clinical informatics project or analysis, weekly clinical informatics and operational meetings, data analysis of key ED metrics and the opportunity to attend ED residency conference.

    Available rotation dates for 2025-26:

    2/9- 3/8/26

    3/9- 4/5/26

    4/6- 5/3/26

  • Emergency Medicine Simulation Rotation: 4 week elective. Upon completion of the 4 week rotation, the medical student will be able to appreciate the growing role that simulation has in both medical education as well as broader patient safety and quality improvement.  Students will be exposed to a variety of simulation-based learning including virtual reality, case scenarios, task-trainers, and in-situ events. They will understand the basics of the debriefing and have the opportunity to practice various techniques. The rotation will culminate with the generation of a clinical scenario and the opportunity to execute it with fellow students. 

    Available rotation dates for 2025-26:


EMS Ride Along

You will have the opportunity to join an ambulance crew for a day, and observe pre-hospital care of our patients. This is an optional shift. It can be extremely rewarding to see the hard work and effort that goes into pre-hospital care, and also to appreciate the types of living conditions that are a reality for our patients.

If you would like more time with our EMS team, we now offer a separate 2-week EMS elective.

If interested in a ride along, please email Dr. David Lobel (, who is the head of our ambulance department, and copy the Clerkship Coordinator, Rosalba Troia-Mannino ( 

  • Location: All tours start at 1036 38th Street between Tenth Avenue and Fort Hamilton.

  • What to expect: For a single ride along, you will be placed on a BLS or ALS truck. Please complete the sign in sheet located in the crew room.

  • Dress: You should be dressed professionally. Dark colored cargo pants and a collared long sleeve polo shirt helps you to look like the crew members, but is not necessary. Try to avoid sneakers. Your ID badge should be worn at all times.

Ultrasound Scan Shifts

You will have the opportunity to attend ultrasound tape review and/or scan shifts in the emergency room with our fellowship trained ultrasound faculty. This is an optional shift. This can be a great adjunct to your clerkship rotation giving you a chance to be more comfortable with bedside ultrasound and incorporating it into your everyday practice.

If you would like more time with our ultrasound team we offer a 4 week ultrasound rotation. You can contact Dr. Sanghvi (, who is in charge of the medical student ultrasound rotation.

  • Location:

    • Tape review: Maimonides ER Brownstone: 965 48th street

    • Scan shift: Maimonides ER

  • What to expect:

    • For Tape review: Monday’s at the ER brownstone. Ultrasound faculty Q and A’s all ultrasounds done in the ER throughout the week.

    • For Scan shift: Tuesday’s, Thursday’s and Friday’s 12-5: Medical students, residents, and ultrasound fellows round with a fellowship trained ultrasound attending scanning patients who require ultrasounds in the ER. Peripheral US IV scan shifts are scheduled intermittently as well.

Emergency Medicine Toxicology 2 Week Elective: Overview

What to expect on the 2 week elective:

Location: Maimonides Medical Center (Virtual and In-Person)

  •  Didactics


              Toxidromes, GI decontamination, Utox

              Common overdoses – ASA/APAP

              Alcohol withdrawal 

              Tox bradycardia

              Cyanide, carbon monoxide, methemoglobin

              Cocaine / Opiates 

              Snake, scorpions, spiders

              Alcohol related complications

              QRS prolongation – Caustics 

              Toxic alcohols 

              Pharmacology +/_ QRS prolonging drugs.

              Antidotes II 

              Antidotes I

  • Simulation: 2 Toxicology Cases in our state of the art SIM Center

  • Oral Boards Case

  • Call Backs for our Toxicology Consult Service

  • Journal Club: Review landmark toxicology journals

  • Resident Conference: Didactics on Wednesday mornings at 8am

  • NYC PPC Monthly Consultants Conference: First Thursday of the month

  • Critical Care Shifts: 1 Adult, 1 Pediatric

  • Case Presentation


Jeanette Kurbedin, DO
Departmental Director of Undergraduate Medical Education

Clerkship Director

Ultrasound Faculty, Department of Emergency Medicine

Clinical Assistant Professor at SUNY Downstate

Clinical Assistant Professor at NYITCOM
Twitter: @jkurbedin

Humaira Ali, DO
Assistant Clerkship Director

Assistant EMS Fellowship Director

Cassidy Baldwin, MD Resident Director of Undergraduate Medical Education

Grace Mannino
Manager, Educational Programs

Rosalba Troia-Mannino Clerkship Coordinator