- Letter from the PD
- Program Overview
- Curriculum
- Resident Life
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Social EM
- Scholarly Tracks
- International
- Salary & Benefits
- Virtual Webinars
- How to Apply
- Interview Day
- Event Medicine Elective
- Leadership
- Departmental Leadership
- Faculty
- Class of 2027
- Class of 2026
- Class of 2025
- Class of 2024
- Class of 2023
- Class of 2022
- Class of 2021
- Class of 2020
- Class of 2019
- Class of 2018
- Class of 2017
- Class of 2016
- Class of 2015
Letter from the Program Director
Welcome to the Maimonides Medical Center Emergency Medicine Residency Program! We are an established ACGME-accredited three-year residency program nestled in the heart of Brooklyn, New York. Our residents train in one of the most culturally diverse communities in the world and care for over 120,000 patients each year from all walks of life. We pride ourselves on providing a robust critical care, ultrasound, and prehospital experience. We are a comprehensive Stroke Center, STEMI Center, Level 1 Trauma Center and the only Pediatric Trauma Center in Brooklyn. Maimonides remains the fourth largest independent teaching hospital in the country and is currently ranked top 10 in the country for clinical excellence in the treatment of myocardial infarction, stroke, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and heart failure.
Our mission is to provide a supportive and inclusive environment that allows residents to learn the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of an exceptional emergency physician, while encouraging and fostering the development of each individual resident’s own interests, goals, well-being and professional identity. We assure that our graduates are highly qualified and extremely competent emergency physicians capable of working in a variety of settings, urban and rural, resource rich or resource poor, academic and community. Serving our diverse Brooklyn community and beyond, we ensure that our residents are culturally competent and compassionate in the delivery of their care.
I strongly believe that there are as many different ways to have a successful career as there are emergency physicians in the world. Success is defined by the joy of waking up every morning, compassion toward people in need, and the passion for pursuing a chosen profession. Whether you want to become a front-line community physician or an NIH-funded researcher or president of a hospital someday, I believe that it is our mission to provide you the resources and support and guidance to help you get there and be an exceptional human.
When asked to describe a successful resident at Maimonides, my answer is always the same: happy. I believe that feeling engaged and excited is the key to making the most out of the three short years of residency training. Residency can be one of the most challenging times in the career of an emergency physician and simultaneously one of the most rewarding. No one ever chose emergency medicine because it was easy. But we do our best to carefully cultivate and maintain a culture of transparency and shared vulnerability with the intention of creating an environment in which our residents can learn, grow, and flourish.
I hope you enjoy your visit through our website and I look forward to meeting you soon.
Julie R. Cueva DO, MSEd
Program Director
Department of Emergency Medicine
Julie Cueva DO, MSEd
Program Director