VOTW: Lost my Appy-tite

This week's VOTW is brought to you by Drs. Mark Calandra, Evan Mahl, and the Ultrasound Team (Drs. Jessie Chen and Lawrence Haines)!

HPI: 20 yo male with RLQ pain since last night with no associated symptoms.

Appendix POCUS anatomy review

You can usually find the appendix draping over the iliac vessels

Video/Image 1: Non-compressible structure, with “target sign”, >6 mm

Video/Image 2: Dilated, tubular structure with likely appendicolith

POCUS appendicitis criteria:

  1. Noncompressible tubular structure

  2. >6 mm

  3. Other signs: “ring of fire” (w/color flow), edema in the area

Case conclusion: General surgery consulted and patient went to OR for surgery for acute appendicitis!


  1. https://www.thepocusatlas.com/new-blog/appendicitis

  2. https://coreultrasound.com/appendicitis/