Respiratory fRiday: Platypnea, platypus, orthodeoxia, orthodontics?

* What's that you say? 
dyspnea and deoxygenation when moving to SITTING UPRIGHT from supine
= wait, that's not normal!
= improved with lying FLAT
- due to INTRAPULMONARY shunting when moving UPRIGHT
- suspect with:
hepatopulmonary syndrome
- possible mechanism of vasodilation and thus increased perfusion of capillaries at lung BASES (which are least oxygenated)
- liver cirrhosis- see this in ~40% of cirrhotic patients
- portal HTN
- hepatitis
- look for finger clubbing!
- pulmonary congestion at bases
AV shunting
ASD or PFO w/ shunting
ARDS = rare causes
- Pericardial effusion/restrictive pericarditis
- Significant PE load
- Ileus
* Why do I care? 
- Treatment in the ER: 
- Increased mortality in cirrhotic patients especially with PO2 <60mmHg
LIVER TRANSPLANT: definitive (but lower post-transplant survival)
TIPS: decrease shunting, improved gas exchange (theoretical)
- Nitric Oxide Synthesis inhibition or TNF inhibition: no evidence yet
- MDM:
not all respiratory distresses = CHF, pneumonia or PE
- consider extra-pulmonary contribution to SOB
not all treatments will work all the time
- keep an eye out for variation and be suspicious something else is going on