POTD: MTP and OBH in 123

Happy Friday!

This week's Wellness POTD will be about what keeps all of us well and alive each and every day: blood! Ok so not as flashy and fun, but hopefully this is a relatively quick and dirty review of massive transfusion protocol (MTP) and OB hemorrhage (OBH) at MMC.


  • MTP is initiated if there is (1) >4 units of pRBC transfused in 1 hour OR (2) replaced all of the patient's total blood volume in 24 hours OR (3) replaced half the patient's total blood volume in 3 hours OR (4) bleeding faster than 150 ml/min

  • MTP is un-crossmatched blood

  • Adult MTP 1st round is 4u pRBC + 4u FFP + 1u platelets, then 2nd round is the same + 10u cryoprecipitate

  • MTP is activated by an attending physician

  • Notify the blood bank of MTP activation by calling 3-8400 or 3-7651


  • OBH is defined as (1) >1000 ml blood loss in any delivery OR (2) >500 ml blood loss in vaginal delivery with sxs of hypovolemia

  • Call a Code H for concern for OBH

  • Stage 1 think IV access/fluids/uterotonics, stage 2 think consult MFM, stage 3 think OR, stage 4 think ACLS

Ok now for the longer and more rambly (but hopefully helpful?!) details within our protocol at MMC...

Massive Transfusion Protocol

I will try to summarize the MTP protocol that Dr. Marshall shared via email, which I am also attaching to this email, and will highlight relevant facts for our clinical use in the ED.

Adult MTP Indication

1) Transfused >4 units of pRBC in 1 hour w/ more blood needed

2) Expected to transfuse >50% of a patient's total blood volume in 3 hours (most adults have around 10-12 pints/units of blood in their body)

3) Expected to transfuse >100% of a patient's total blood volume in 24 hours

4) Bleeding faster than 150 ml/min

Pediatric MTP Indication

1) Expected to transfuse >50% of a patient's total blood volume in 3 hours

2) Expected to transfuse >100% of a patient's total blood volume in 24 hours

3) Bleeding faster than 10% total blood volume/min

MTP Initiation/Termination

  • Activated by an attending physician

  • Initiate MTP by using the red phone by the North Side charge nurse desk or by calling blood bank at 3-8400 or 3-7651

    • Information that must be included on the call is name, MRN, sex, DOB, location, diagnosis, and contact physician info

  • Have a physician fill out the "Emergency Blood Transfusion/Massive Transfusion Request" form, section B, and send it to blood bank by messenger or pneumatic tube

  • Send a lavender top blood specimen for ABO antibody screening and crossmatching of continued future transfusions

  • Blood bank does their magic prepping and getting us the blood...

  • "Crack the fridge" in resus 51 for emergency blood to bridge us while awaiting MTP blood

    • Charge nurse has the code to the fridge

    • ED fridge contains 2 whole blood + 8 units O- pRBC + 4 units O+ pRBC + 4 units FFP (no platelets)

    • The attending physician can decide whole blood vs. components

    • Use O+ for males and O- for females

  • Have the attending physician be in close contact with the blood bank to anticipate continued need

  • Terminate MTP by the attending physician notifying the blood bank OR automatically terminates 4 hours after MTP started

MTP Components

MTP Tips

  • Try to balance your transfusions by hour 1 or 2 into MTP (1:1:1 ratio of pRBC:FFP:platelets)

  • The 1 unit of apheresis platelets in MTP is synonymous with ~6 units of individual platelets

  • Use blood warmers to prevent hypothermia

  • Consider TXA for trauma

  • Consider calcium repletion after 3 units of transfusion

OB/Postpartum Hemorrhage

OBH Definition

1) Cumulative blood loss of >1000 ml in c-section or vaginal delivery

2) Cumulative blood loss of >500 ml in vaginal delivery with sxs of hypovolemia

OBH Stages

Stage 1: normal vital signs --> IV, fluids, fundal massage, pitocin, add other uterotonics

Stage 2: normal vital signs but blood loss up to 1500 ml OR pitocin and 2 uterotonics started --> consult MFM, transfuse, add TXA, foley, uterine balloon/packing

Stage 3: abnormal vital signs OR blood loss >1500 ml OR 2 units pRBC transfused --> go to OR, MTP

Stage 4: cardiovascular collapse --> ACLS

"Code H" aka alert the OB troops

Code H is the trigger to get more people involved for any stage OBH. It can be activated by anyone by dialing 33 and stating you have a Code H. The people notified are: OBGYN inside attending, OBGYN outside attending, anesthesia attending, anesthesia resident, chief OB resident, any individual on OB codes list, nursing leadership, blood bank.

OBH Tips 

  • Consider the 4 T's of OBH when treating these patients: Tone (uterine atony), Trauma (laceration, hematoma, inversion, rupture), Tissue (retained products), Thrombin (coagulopathy)

  • Use the red OB hemorrhage kit in the fridge of resus 52 which has pre-made uterotonic meds and a cheat sheet for when to use each

  • Get the pitocin running early

Happy transfusing,



- MMC MTP and OBH protocol

- Dr. Nicky Chung POTD from 10/8/24

- Dr. Kat Pattee POTD from 5/15/24
