POTD: ETT Cuff Leak

>> Why do we care?

  • Results in inability to ventilate (massive loss of TV necessitating ETT replacement)

  • Results in aspiration of gastric contents or pharyngeal secretions (no proper isolation to protect the lungs)

  • Can result in complete loss of airway

>> How does it present?

  • Respiratory instability (decreased oxygenation and/or ventilation)

  • Gurgling noise

  • Decreased tidal volumes

>> Two Major Categories:

  • Leaks Around an Intact Cuff/Inflation System:

    • Cuff Underinflation

    • Cephalad Migration of ETT

    • Inadvertent Intratracheal Placement of Gastric Tube

    • Discrepancy Between ETT and Tracheal Diameter

    • High Mean Airway Pressure

  • Leaks Due to a Defective Cuff and/or Inflation System:

    • Inflation Valve: Can be incompetent as a result of poor manufacturing, mechanical trauma, or even routine connection of syringe

    • Pilot Tubing: May be damaged by tube securing devices, accidentally cut, or manufactured poorly

    • Pilot Balloon: Can be torn, punctured, or otherwise damaged on teeth or sharp equipment; this can cause leakage of air or failure to inflate altogether

    • ETT Cuff: If this occurs, the tube must be changed!

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Situation 1: The one-way valve malfunctions, but the pilot balloon and line are intact.Attach a T-piece connector or a clave to the pilot balloon, and then inflate with a syringe. Clamp the T piece with a hemostat or IV tubing clamp, and disconnect …

Situation 1: The one-way valve malfunctions, but the pilot balloon and line are intact.

Attach a T-piece connector or a clave to the pilot balloon, and then inflate with a syringe. Clamp the T piece with a hemostat or IV tubing clamp, and disconnect the syringe

Situation 2: The pilot balloon or pilot line is ruptured.Cut the line below the break. Insert either a blunt needle or a 22G catheter into the lumen of the line. Connect it to a syringe and inflate the cuff. Clamp the line, and cover needle or cathe…

Situation 2: The pilot balloon or pilot line is ruptured.

Cut the line below the break. Insert either a blunt needle or a 22G catheter into the lumen of the line. Connect it to a syringe and inflate the cuff. Clamp the line, and cover needle or catheter with a transparent film dressing or clave.
