POTD: EMS levels

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Who am I talking to?

We all deal with EMS almost every day, but I’m not entirely sure we’ve been as educated on what the different levels of EMS providers are.

So here’s a quick overview. Worth noting that the scope of providers ranges pretty heavily from region to region/state to state.  This is a basic overview and some of these rules do not completely apply to NYC EMS providers for a multitude of reasons.  Regardless its worthwhile to have a vague idea of what’s going on so here it is. Thank you and you’re welcome

The basic level is the Emergency Medical Responder

they require roughly 60 hours of training! Woah!

SKILLS: basic first aid and airway (OPA/BVM)



The next level is the Emergency Medical Technician (the former EMT - Basic)

How much training you ask? Of note the official book says the number of hours requirement doesn’t exist its just about competency, this goes for all further levels as well…. But estimated time is 150-200 hours!! Bazing!

SKILLS: basic first aid and airway (OPA/NPA and BVM)

      assisting patients in taking home meds!

      limited medication administration (we’re talking ASA, oral glucose - but really depends on the medical directors in the area)

      that sweet sweet oxygen administration 

      and last but not least - monitoring vitals 

Guess what, there’s more - Now w’re talking about the Advanced EMT 

How much training you ask? **expected** 300-450 hours!! Yaowza

SKILLS: start IVs and IOs!! Super important to identify these if you’re doing event medicine.

      limited med admin again as per medical directors 

      Cardiac monitoring and 12-lead ECG - now we’re thinking notifications 

      Airway management (supraglottic airway but NOT Endotracheal tube)

Now we’re at the big boys on the block - Paramedics 

How much training you ask? **expected**1000-2000 hours!! **thud** that was me passing out and hitting the ground 


      IV Med administration

      Cardiac Monitoring and 12-lead 

      Manual defibrillation and cardio version 

      Transcutaneous pacing!! 

      Endotracheal tubes

      Needle Chest Decrompression

      Needle/surgical cricothyrotomy

And there you have it. Take it all in and respect your EMS providers

Happy resuscitating!
