potd baby

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we’re entering my last week of doing this (I know, shed your tears now, get them out of your system) and I figure we should talk about some electrolytes gosh darnit 

But which one? Theres oh so many? 

Hey what’s with the groans from the audience? Is it my fonts (comic sans italic)? Is it my colors (i know you like that fuschia)? Is it my COMPLETELY REASONABLE TIMING when it comes to sending emails? 

hey! Stop that, theres no need to throw stones at me!

Wait a second, 

you’ve inspired me!!


I’m talking stones (renal calculi)

I’m talking bones (bone pain)

I’m talking groans (and pain, dehydration, pancreatitis)

I’m talking thrones (polyuria and constipation)

And not but not least

I’m talking psychiatric overtones (lethargy, confusion, hallucinations)

And you better 'member to check the EKG for all the findings 

Prolonged PR/QRS

Widened T’s 

Brady’s and heart blocks 

Even ST changes

What are we gonna do about it?

<12 —> home 

doesn’t need immediate treatment but you best believe you’re gonna give that baby some follow up 

12-14 —> the grey zone

if they’re symptomatic better start treating it

but, but, but how? 

throw some normal saline at that chump. bolus or until urinary output is 100-150ml per hr

want some more?

calcitonin works w/ in 2-4 hrs (woah) think 4 units/kg SC or IV

theres some data to show that zoledronic acid works well with calcitonin in dropping the calcium too

>14 —> admission, look at that EKG first. These pups are at risk for severe dysrhythmias and cardiac collapse

Keep in mind if things are looking rough enough you can pull the trigger on dialysis 

think patients w/ renal failure

patients that have calcium over 18 

patients w/ neuro sx 

and of course those that fail other therapy 

Well anyways thats all from me 


#justiceforhan #Fast9
