EMS Protocol of the Week - Head, Neck, and Spine Injuries (Adult and Pediatric)

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Surprise, another trauma protocol that focuses on ABCs and BLS-level care!


Of course, any paramedics that happen upon a trauma job that requires airway control or vascular access is expected to do so, but the bulk of the protocol on head/neck/spine injuries boils down to how EMTs can best support these patients for transport. The big takeaway is familiarizing yourself with the criteria crews will use in determining spinal precautions, c-spine stabilization, and rigid collar application. As you can see, the criteria mostly line up with those that we would use in the ED, with “any other provider concern…” adding some extra wiggle room to allow for provider gestalt. Keep that in mind as you receive these patients, as they may be eligible for c-collar clearance after an initial evaluation, rather than several CTs and an MRI later.


Let’s hear it for protocols! And for our EMTs and paramedics, who put their…necks out?...on a daily basis? Anyone? Bueller?


www.nycremsco.org and the protocol binder for more.

