EMS Protocol of the Week - Altered Mental Status (Adult and Pediatric)

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Another protocol to have been affected by 2022 reformatting, the prehospital approach to AMS primarily addresses hypoglycemia at this point. Naloxone dosing, which was previously found under this protocol, is now under the Overdose protocol reviewed earlier in the year.


EMS must obviously be mindful of other etiologies of AMS (toxicologic, traumatic, behavioral, etc.) and manage appropriately, both in terms of patient care and overall scene safety. For patients with a change in mental status due to hypoglycemia, this protocol goes over a number of considerations for oral and parenteral management based on level of training and patient condition, all of which are worth reviewing.


Replete the sugar, is what it comes down to. Once again – short…and sweet? On a roll, here.


www.nycremsco.org and the protocol binder for more.


