Happy New Years Eve everyone! Before people head out for some NYE festivities lets talk Ankle Dislocations!
One was seen in the ED this week and managed beautifully from what I hear, so lets make sure we all know what to do as this is an orthopedic emergency!
- Mc= Post dislocation of talus can be medial, ant, lateral and superior
- HIGH force injury --> plantar flexion
- Greatest instability as talus becomes narrower
- Inversion? posteromedial discplacement + injury to ATF and CF Ligaments
- Eversion? Lateral dislocation
- Fall with axial load, car accident
- mc Young males, pt with previous ankle injuries, Ehrles Danlos

- High association with fractures
- High risk of Neurovascular injury so need FAST RECOGNITION AND REDUCTION!
- Can lead to avascular necrosis of the talus, sensation loss and LE tissue necrosis--> gangrene
- Nonunion/malunion, tendon entrapment, cartilaginous injury chronic arthritis, rarely a/w compartment syndrome
Work up:
- PE: Edema, tenting os skin, tip along joint line, deformity
- XR- A/P, Late and Mortise views

When to Reduce:
- Indications:
- NV compromise- Just reduce! don't need X-rays 1st if high clinical suspicion
- No compromise- confirm with X-ray first
- Can be open, can be a/w fracture

- Contraindications:
- Multiple failed attempts
- Subtalar Dislocation
- Rare, high force on forefoot
- 20% are irreducible and need OR

- Pre-Procedure:
- Sedation and pain control is key
- Have material ready to cast following reduction
- Hold foot in plantar flexion, apply axial traction
- Posterior traction to to ditasl tibi and ant pressure to heel
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANA2b-g3qaw
- ANT: Same 1st steps but apply anterior traction to distal tibia and posterior force to foot
Post Reduction:
- Immbolize with LONG LEG POST splint w/ SUGAR TONG component
- Repeat X-ray
- Can cause conversion to open injury during reduction--> give Tdap and abx
- Ortho Follow up for ORIF
Surgical Indications:
- Failure to reduce x 2-3 attempts
- Increasing tension or tenting of skin
- multiple other intra-articular fractures, subtler dislocation
- Amputation
Sources: OrthoBullets, Medscape
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Years, see you in 2018!