POTD: Myxedema Coma
Clinical Features (Remember LOW and SLOW: low HR, BP, Temp, sugar, RR, Na, Mentation, reflexes):
Decreased mental status
Hypothermia (<95.9F)
CMP- looking for hyponatremia, elevated CPK, elevated creatinine, transaminasas
CBC- looking for anemia, leukopenia
TSH, FT4, FT3- In primary hypothyroidism, TSH will be elevated and T4 and T3 will be low. In secondary hypothyroidism (Pituitary dysfunction) the TSH can be low or normal and T4 and T3 will be low
Blood cultures- looking for a secondary sepsis source
Cortisol level
Lipid panel- Hyperlipidemia
VBG- looking for hypoglycemia, respiratory acidosis
CXR- looking for pleural effusions
ECG- looking for bradycardia and rhythm
Cardiac POCUS- looking for pericardial effusion
Levothyroxine(T4) 100 to 500 mcg IV (Potentially safer in patients with CAD) or
Liothyronine (T3) 20mcg IV (Start with 10mcg if elderly or has CAD)
Hydrocortisone 100mg IV q8hr
Passive rewarming (Do not actively rewarm as rapid peripheral vasodilation may induce worsening hypotension)
Mechanical ventilation early may prevent respiratory collapse and severe respiratory acidosis
IVFs- dextrose containing fluids for hypoglycemia. If patient is hyponatremic, be cautious of too rapid fluid correction
Broad spectrum Antibiotics
Mortality reaches as high as 60%
ICU admission
Stay well,
TR Adam