Name that Sign! Hint: It’s not a Glasgow Smile
Answer: Risus Sardonicus. Caused by spasms of the facial muscles. Also seen in Wilson’s Diseases and Strychnine poisoning.
- Caused by Clostridium Tetani, which is present in soil, animal feces
- Typical presentation of “Stepped on a rusty name” and didn’t get their tdap.
- Also in IVDU, abdominal surgeries
- Per CDC, leads to death in 1 in 10 cases, usually in the elderly.
- Initial signs are trismus or “lock jaw”- spasms of muscles of mastication
- If not treated, progresses to sustained muscles of the back: Opisthotonus
- By second week, tachycardia, labile HTN, sweating, hyperpyrexia, increased urinary excretion of catecholamines
- Ubiquitous spores in soil and animal feces
- Introduced into skin as spore-forming, non-invasive state
- Germinates into toni-producing, vegetative form if oxygen tension is reduced
- e.g. crushed, devitalized tissue
- Toxins=Tetanolysin and Tetanospasmin
- Tetanospasmin does not cross BBB but CAN enter via retrograde intraneuronal transport
- Acts on motor endplates of skeletal muscle, spinal cord, CNS, and sympathetics
- Inhibits glycine and GABA
- In short get sympathetic overactivity and high circulating catecholamines
- Admit to ICU
- Needs intubation if respiratory compromised
- Succinylcholine for intubation, Vecuronium for longer blockade
- Minimize environmental stimuli to avoid convulsive spasms
- Tetanus Immunoglobulin 3K-6K units IM helps locally but not if it is in the CNS
- Nevertheless, reduces mortality
- Can give parenteral metronidazole
- Do NOT give PCN because central acting GABA antagonist which may potentiate tetanospasmin
- Mag sulfate to help inhibit release of catecholamines/reduce autonomic instability/spasms
- Midazolam for muscle spasm
- Clinical dx- look for autonomic instability, muscle spasms
- Tx w/ ICU, intubation, Midazolam, Mag sulfate, Flagyl but NO PCN
- Tintinalli et. al. Ch 151 “Tetanus”
- World Health Organization.